This article is for:
- Passport Agency Staff Users
The Dashboard shows at-a-glance cumulative data for all Recipients managed whose funding is being managed by your Agency and whose expenses are being submitted via MDP.
The Dashboard is automatically shown upon each new login session for any accounts with the level of permission activated for “Dashboard View”.
These figures are automatically populated using the Recipient data already stored within MyDirectPlan. Nothing needs to be added manually by your team.
Please note: These numbers will also update dynamically and automatically as new Recipients are added to MDP (this will increase the “Agency Budget”) and as additional Expenses/Invoices are submitted on behalf of these Recipients throughout the fiscal year.
This section of the Dashboard will illustrate a comparative breakdown of Funding claimed per Expense Type/Category.
The Pie Chart on the left will show a relative breakdown of Budget Allocated per Funding Program (depending on if your Agency administers more than one type of Funding Program, e.g. SSAH, Passport)